Going Mad online

If you thought Mad magazine’s famous “fold-in” feature worked only in print, guess again. As this gallery at The New York Times shows, the format works on the Web as well.

Check out the accompanying profile on Mad artist Al Jaffee too. His wordplay to rename the Times features section is a good example of why he’s been successful all these years.

2 thoughts on “Going Mad online

  1. Thanks for this review of Jaffees’ artwork. Amazing. Anita came over and had a lot of fun too. MOM

  2. I loved those fold-ins. I was trying to describe them to someone, and she clearly was either too young, or not geeky enough, to have ever heard of them.

    I’ll have to go back and read Jaffee’s profile.

    Now that I work in publishing, I look at what he did and marvel at the amount of time and energy it took!

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